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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Save dogs from breeders

Sandy, the 3 year old Great Dane was rescued along with 3 - 4 months old malnutrition-ed pups from a breeder in Sahibabad, November 2011  Sandy was suffering from TVT (Trans Venerial Tumor) All 3 pups were malnourished, under weight & had under-growth. One of the pups had malunion of femur bone. Do report if you come across any illegal dog breeder. Breeders are those heartless traders who make the dogs breed...

Rescue of Barn Owl

We thank Vineet Arora (SPCA,Noida) for rescuing the Barn Owl from a police station in Noida. It was given to fauna police and later released. The cops had kept the helpless owl tied up from its legs and were reluctant to let it go. They captured it calling it a bad omen. (Abshagun) . What century are we living in people? ...

Dog- ran over by car

A reckless car driver ran over a poor dog on the streets and left him crying in the streets with a fractured leg. Fauna Police intervened for its first aid. The dog recovered later. But where have we lost humanity? Why is there no concern for the strays. Is it because its easy to get away after injuring them, or is their life so cheap? We heartily thank Arpan Sharma for providing us with his car for the poor dog's rescue. We thank Cherida...